Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Home and to Muskoka

Hello again all,

I made it back from Arizona safely, it was sad to leave really, such a great place. I have spent a few days up in Muskoka with my parents, helping them clean out the cottage. After 23 (I think) years, they have decided to sell the place. It was nice to spent a little time up there, and I'll share some photos I got over the next few days.
The essential element of every cottage is the friendly neighborhood Chipmunk. This was obviously one from last year as it remembered the "Chippy!" call as well as what a peanut was.

The epic struggle of Munk versus Nut

Now if this isnt a textbook picture of Tamias striatus, I dont know what is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

24 years..they got it when i was 13 and i turned 37 last week...